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Adidas Elite

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-15 23:48:24
107 просмотров
  • Adidas Elite Skin screenshot
  • Adidas Elite Skin screenshot
  • Adidas Elite Skin screenshot

The original elite with an Adidas jacket. There is a new normal map to match the stripes and logo of the Adidas jacket as well as an improved texture for the cargo pants.

If you have any requests for a different color jacket, stripes, undershirt or even gold necklace.. ask and I MIGHT make it if I really like the idea. There's tons of different style sports jackets, so make sure if you want a different design to supply pictures of the front, back, and side.

I was thinking about making the undershirt urban camouflage.. so nothing is really out of the question in the way of suggestions.
