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Remington 870AE Wingmaster

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 15:23:02
166 просмотров
  • Remington 870AE Wingmaster Skin screenshot
  • Remington 870AE Wingmaster Skin screenshot
  • Remington 870AE Wingmaster Skin screenshot
  • Remington 870AE Wingmaster Skin screenshot
  • Remington 870AE Wingmaster Skin screenshot

I did all the textures except for the shells, wood is handpainted etc etc.

* 5 different animations

* World model

* Matching custom sounds

Extended Credits:

* Model by Millenia, The Spork & Twinke Masta

* Skins by Henron, Geno, Rosa Jonas and El Maestro de Graffiti (shellol)

* Animations by Spanks, Hav0c, Kitteh, Mullet & Valve

* Sounds by Vunsunta & your mom

* Compiles: modderfreak and Henron

* You're all dicks

* Shoutout to my boys Pete (the leet), Racer445, Thanez, FXDarkLoki, Millenia, AcidSnake, CIgano, FTP, Kaskad, James, Spanks, Sick420, Sarqune, Cyper, Kimono, Milo, TheLama, EMDG, Steve, and RedRogue. You all keep me going. ;D