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Predaators Black M4A1 G36C

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-28 10:28:15
97 просмотров
  • Predaators Black M4A1 G36C Skin screenshot
  • Predaators Black M4A1 G36C Skin screenshot
  • Predaators Black M4A1 G36C Skin screenshot

Code:Tac. Light Model & Skin: >.< candied_clown Model: Darkstorn, Twinke Masta Skin: Darkstorn, Twinke Masta , predaator Anims: Havoc Sounds: Vunsunta, Firearms(unsilenced shoot) Compile: Predaator Aimpoint Model: Twinke Masta Aimpoint Skin: -Smokyjoe- Flashlight Model: HeadShot Flashlight Skin: Millenia Silencer Model: Stoke Silence Skin: Millenia Vert Grip Model: Stoke (?) Vert Grip Skin: SureShot Skins hack: FaN_OnLy1 Model hack: FaN_OnLy1 Re-Compile: FaN_OnLy1

Its consistent with no server enforcing consistency. Based on the twinkes & darkstorns G36, I am just posting it here.
