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Arby's MP5

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-30 06:09:22
111 просмотров
  • Arby's MP5 Skin screenshot
  • Arby's MP5 Skin screenshot
  • Arby's MP5 Skin screenshot
  • Arby's MP5 Skin screenshot
  • Arby's MP5 Skin screenshot
  • Arby's MP5 Skin screenshot
  • Arby's MP5 Skin screenshot

Made this a while back, when Epicfury and I released IIopn's MP5. Never released it for some reason. Well, here it is now.

Due to the bolt being in different positions on Arby's MP5, you'll see it looks a little weird during the reload, but you shouldn't notice it too much during normal gameplay.

Mag isn't properly weighted, but I don't have the source files anymore. Sorry.
