Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-18 12:21:51 68 просмотров
This is a pack of three different scouts, each made to look like they've been Spray Painted in camouflage colors. To strengthen that fact I have made the ref maps not reflective everywhere except the scope lens and the cylinder to make it look like matte spray paint.
There are three skins to choose from:
Urban, Desert and Woodland.
I personally like these and made them basically for myself but I then decided to release them to see if someone else likes them too. These are just reskins, no custom anims or hacked models. I did include new sounds. I hope you enjoy these skins.
Remember to asses and comment!
Update: I replaced the desert skin with a better one that isnt that simply painted as the past one.
Also added a variation to the urban skin that has more camouflage looking urban theme on it.
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