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AK47 with K89 Bayonet

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-02-04 17:17:47
116 просмотров
  • AK47 with K89 Bayonet Skin screenshot
  • AK47 with K89 Bayonet Skin screenshot
  • AK47 with K89 Bayonet Skin screenshot
  • AK47 with K89 Bayonet Skin screenshot
  • AK47 with K89 Bayonet Skin screenshot

AK-47 with K89 Bayonet

Hi everyone. Today, I am so happy to give you a pack of 2 skins. In fact, I didn’t myself make them but I got permission to edit and compile. I have added all authors. If I forget anyone, tell me before disapproving :) This pack has ak47 and knife replacments. I think it will be so nice because all the models, textures and animations are great. My last test showed that there are no errors found before it is released now. However, I am a careless man so if you find problems or have suggestions, just comment down here. All will be considered as they are necessary for a noob like me :D.

Video is here now (by fckmillths)

Video by ItBankRock

Rating and Fav this skin means you are encouraging me. Your assenments are very important with me
