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Magnum Research's D.Eagle Finishes

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-18 04:30:47
82 просмотра
  • Magnum Research's D.Eagle Finishes Skin screenshot
  • Magnum Research's D.Eagle Finishes Skin screenshot
  • Magnum Research's D.Eagle Finishes Skin screenshot

On magnum research's site, I was looking at the finishes available for the D.Eagle should I ever get one in the future. Some of the finishes looked really interesting. This pack includes many of magnum research's finishes.

The one that caught my attention the most was the tiger stripe one. I put the most work into that one. The work I put into that 1 recolor is > the work I put into the entire thing.

Check out some of magnum researches colors here: http://magnumresearch.com/Browse.asp?Category=Desert+Eagle:Mark+XIX
