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Day of Defeat
16th SS Panzergrenadier by Yustax

16th SS Panzergrenadier by Yustax

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-04 14:27:36
132 просмотра
  • 16th SS Panzergrenadier by Yustax Skin screenshot
  • 16th SS Panzergrenadier by Yustax Skin screenshot

16th-SS Panzergrenadier Division "Reichsführer SS" Axis Infantry set by: your Employee

Ok, I'm not totally sure what I'm supposed to say here, hmm...well here goes.

Onto the fun credits part. Models parts and textures from DoD Team, recycled stuff from my already released packs, a cap from DocRage's Das Reich Set, camo jackets from Blockbuster's dot camo axis set, and new stuff that I put together for this thing.

I wanted to be a little shorter with this readme than my last readme so if you still want your name in these credits(or if I missed you somehow and used your stuff) my apologies to you in advance, just let me know at flipsm@yahoo.com and I'll correct things ASAP.

Also again,if you plan on using my set for your own thing, please let me know or at least just give a nod to your ol' buddy "your Employee" in your own credits - I didn't just slap crap together, there was a lot of thought and work that went into this(redoing faces, retexturing, hackjobbing stuff together and/or apart, making new stuff, etc.). At any rate, I hope you enjoy the set and you really deserve a pat on the back for reading this the whole way through.

-your Employee


This skin its not mine its from their own authors, im just post it here because the old sites are death and about to be elimanated forever so im going to put the awesome skin here so they can be forever for our enjoyment, ill already have the permission so...

This skin its from their own makers, also if you want to change the model, you have the permission to do it just remeber to add my note, theirs, and the respectful credits, if you want to add something thats up to you.

