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Big Shooter

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-09-24 17:16:41
151 просмотр
  • Big Shooter Skin screenshot
  • Big Shooter Skin screenshot
  • Big Shooter Skin screenshot
  • Big Shooter Skin screenshot
  • Big Shooter Skin screenshot

----------------B.A.R. V2(High-Res)----------------------------- By:Splinter

Includes sound / World model

Skin: Splinter Model: Ankalar Further edits on the model: Splinter

*Some metal parts (bipod) were not reskinned and the original is Devin Kryss's.

Nice high resolution replacement for the BAR. Enjoy.

End of Days: Initial Compile, Turbosmoothed Barrel, Render

Editor321: Model tweaks, bipod resizing, sight flipped down, Final Compile

AshGear: Added sounds

Just found this skin on anohter website an thought it deserved to come here all i did was added the sounds

                             Enjoy Happy Hunting! 