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Lee Enfield No.2 MK I

Добавил: root
2016-01-19 07:55:41
121 просмотр
  • Lee Enfield No.2 MK I Skin screenshot
  • Lee Enfield No.2 MK I Skin screenshot
  • Lee Enfield No.2 MK I Skin screenshot
  • Lee Enfield No.2 MK I Skin screenshot
  • Lee Enfield No.2 MK I Skin screenshot

I got the idea from DoD1.3, where the Allies had a Webley revolver. As I couldn't find a custom model of it, I decided to use Kimonos Lee Enfield No.2 MK I revolver, the official sidearm of the British Army during WW2.


    • Edited Custom Animations and Sounds

  • High Quality Normal- and Phong Maps

Extended Credits:

    • Model and UVMaps Dav0r

    • Skin by Kimono

    • Animations by Thin Red Paste

    • Sounds by Vunsunta

  • Animation Port/Edits, Compiles, Skin Edits, Normal Maps, Phong Maps and Sound Edits by modderfreak