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Dod123's Hi-Res M1 Carbine Pack

Добавил: lvenokiris
2015-08-17 13:04:28
97 просмотров
  • Dod123's Hi-Res M1 Carbine Pack Skin screenshot
  • Dod123's Hi-Res M1 Carbine Pack Skin screenshot
  • Dod123's Hi-Res M1 Carbine Pack Skin screenshot
  • Dod123's Hi-Res M1 Carbine Pack Skin screenshot
  • Dod123's Hi-Res M1 Carbine Pack Skin screenshot

Heres 2 skins ive been working on for a very very long time!! These have w_models,2048x2048 maps, and lots of detail and new sounds! One of them are custom metal made in adobe and the other is made off the default. the world models are 512x512 no need for hi-res w_models. I real enjoy these skins and I hope you do to!
