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Fire Emblem Heroes
Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat)

Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat)

Добавил: The DSystem
2017-02-09 21:20:09
124 просмотра
  • Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat) Skin screenshot
  • Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat) Skin screenshot
  • Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat) Skin screenshot
  • Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat) Skin screenshot
  • Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat) Skin screenshot
  • Semi-Palutena Mod For Shanna (Somewhat) Skin screenshot

I guess me calling this skin Palutena is canon now, but there's a slight side of me that's saying it's not even close. Whatever. It's up to you what you wanna call it.

The files go in their respective places (they're all mapped out for you; character icon goes in the Common/Unit Folder, & character portraits go in the Common/Face Folder, so all you need to do is just drag & drop), so you literally don't have to put in much effort. 

Also, if you can't find Shanna's Location, the characters have their Japanese names, so Shanna is Thany.

Make sure you install any updates or you won't have the files in your folder!
