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Magpul Masada [Updated]

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 07:32:55
154 просмотра
  • Magpul Masada [Updated] Skin screenshot
  • Magpul Masada [Updated] Skin screenshot
  • Magpul Masada [Updated] Skin screenshot
  • Magpul Masada [Updated] Skin screenshot
  • Magpul Masada [Updated] Skin screenshot
Masada Magpul Credits:

Masada Magpul:
*Model: Ultimate Bastard
*UV Maps: Ultimate Bastard
*Smooths: Ultimate Bastard
*Textures: Felipe "MDO" Paiva

*Model: [R-MOD]KP
*UV Maps: Felipe "MDO" Paiva
*Smooths: Felipe "MDO" Paiva
*Textures: Felipe "MDO" Paiva

Sounds: xLongWayHome
Animations & Hands Model: Firearms Team
Muzzleflash: -Jarhead-

Scope Sprite, Hand Textures, UV Splitting, Model Tweaks & Final Compilations: Felipe "MDO" Paiva
Masada Magpul Credits: Masada Magpul: *Model: Ultimate Bastard *UV Maps: Ultimate Bastard *Smooths: Ultimate Bastard *Textures: Felipe "MDO" Paiva EO-Tech: *Model: [R-MOD]KP *UV Maps: Felipe "MDO" Paiva *Smooths: Felipe "MDO" Paiva *Textures: Felipe "MDO" Paiva Sounds: xLongWayHome Animations & Hands Model: Firearms Team Muzzleflash: -Jarhead- Scope Sprite, Hand Textures, UV Splitting, Model Tweaks & Final Compilations: Felipe "MDO" Paiva

Total Polycount: Polys: 10201 Vertices: 8616 Distinct Vertices: 5542

Personal Note:
Don't use this any anything without my permission, the EO-Tech is maded for Project Reality and only me have the permission from the contribuitors to repost it. The Magpul Masada textures can be found by sending a Private Message to me, asking for them.

Update#1: I have edited the missing backfaces by myself, i guess that now it's ok. And following advices from Teh Snake, i have subdivided some groups into another groups to give a better felling about the texture but i couldn't do the same with the 1st group, so, i just enlarged it a bit. By the way, don't get fooled by the in-game screens, as i'm not using OpenGL, the FA engine put a blur effect on everthing.
