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Urban Warfare Series M-16A4

Urban Warfare Series M-16A4

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 03:54:47
148 просмотров
  • Urban Warfare Series M-16A4 Skin screenshot
  • Urban Warfare Series M-16A4 Skin screenshot
  • Urban Warfare Series M-16A4 Skin screenshot
  • Urban Warfare Series M-16A4 Skin screenshot
  • Urban Warfare Series M-16A4 Skin screenshot
M-16A4 Credits:

*Model - Ankalar
*Textures - Kimono

*Model - Twinke Masta
*Textures - !NC! Furious
*Texture Edits - Felipe Paiva

*Model - Twinke Masta
*Textures - Twinke Masta
*Texture Edits - Felipe Paiva

RIS Plates:
*Model - Katarn
*UV maps - Felipe Paiva
*Smooths - Felipe Paiva
*Textures - Felipe Paiva

ACOG Sight:
*Model - Katarn
*UV maps - Felipe Paiva
*Smooths - Felipe Paiva
*Textures - Felipe Paiva

*Model - Firearms MOD Team
*UV Maps - Firearms MOD Team
*Textures - Felipe Paiva

Compilation, final edits:
*Felipe Paiva
M-16A4 Credits: M16: *Model - Ankalar *Textures - Kimono RIS: *Model - Twinke Masta *Textures - !NC! Furious *Texture Edits - Felipe Paiva M203: *Model - Twinke Masta *Textures - Twinke Masta *Texture Edits - Felipe Paiva RIS Plates: *Model - Katarn *UV maps - Felipe Paiva *Smooths - Felipe Paiva *Textures - Felipe Paiva ACOG Sight: *Model - Katarn *UV maps - Felipe Paiva *Smooths - Felipe Paiva *Textures - Felipe Paiva Hands: *Model - Firearms MOD Team *UV Maps - Firearms MOD Team *Textures - Felipe Paiva Compilation, final edits: *Felipe Paiva

Total Polycount: Polys: 9811 Vertices: 8807 Distinct Vertices: 5713

Personal Note:
I didn't found any kind of errors in the consistency and in the animations, but in any case, if you type mp_consistency 0 in the consola before start the game i guess that will solve the problems. The ACOG Sight and the RIS Plates are from Project Reality and i have permission to use them, so, if you want to make a hack or recompile wich use any of those models, please, ask me before you do it. By the way, don't make Source requests, this is the Firearms Section. If you want to use this hack in other Goldsrc games, PM me.

Felipe Paiva
