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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Delta Turret

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 18:07:03
148 просмотров
  • Delta Turret Skin screenshot
  • Delta Turret Skin screenshot
  • Delta Turret Skin screenshot
  • Delta Turret Skin screenshot

Here is just a save of two very important things for anybody who is into turrets or stabilizing, I made the auto turret in this file using an expression with the delta of bearing and elevation which that expression is also included. The turret is great for mid range, just short of hitting anything from any spot on flatgrass

Install: steamapps/yourname/garrysmod/garrysmod/data/adv_dupe

0 on your numpad turns the turret on and off with a toggle.

Requiresments: Wiremod at least version 636 Advanced Duplicator PHX2

Expression incase you want it. N=Deltaexp I=Bear Elev 0= Thrust1 Thrust2 Line1: Thrust1 = $Bear10 + Bear2 Line2: Thrust2 - $Elev10 + Elev2

Thrust1 being side to side motion simply and Thrust2 is up and down.

Warning: Expression 1 which this is used to make, will be phased out of wiremod soon
