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Farmers Strike Back!

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-10 14:10:22
103 просмотра
  • Farmers Strike Back! Skin screenshot
  • Farmers Strike Back! Skin screenshot
  • Farmers Strike Back! Skin screenshot
  • Farmers Strike Back! Skin screenshot
  • Farmers Strike Back! Skin screenshot


This plugin adds farmers' and a few other things as a weapons. You can fight now with a bone, broom, candlestick, hammer, hand scythe, hoe, ladder, ladle, lamppost, log, mug, oar, pick axe, pitchfork, rake, scythe, shears, shovel, signpost and wooden sticks.

Bones, hammers, hand scythes, ladles, pickaxes, shears, and sticks can be dual wielded. Left hand tool acts as a shield in such case.


Copy FarmersStrikeBack.bsa and FarmersStrikeBack.esp files into Oblivion\Data directory then mark esp file in Oblivion's Launcher.


If you want to buy those weapons, go to Abandoned Shack in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. There, in the basement lives "The Farmer". He sells the tools.

How To Remove All Content Of This Mod

Delete following files and folders: Oblivion\Data\FarmersStrikeBack.bsa Oblivion\Data\FarmersStrikeBack.esp

Remember that I take no credit in the creation of this great mod. It was made by Trollf and Bethesda Software.
