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Glowing Green Ghoul

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 13:17:14
104 просмотра
  • Glowing Green Ghoul Skin screenshot
  • Glowing Green Ghoul Skin screenshot
  • Glowing Green Ghoul Skin screenshot


This is a glowering green Ghoul texture pack that makes them easier to see but mainly makes the ghouls look like the have been exposed to high levels of radiation.


To install simply drag and drop/replace the files in the .zip to :

    Program Files > Bethesda Softworks > Fallout 3

Also, to get custom textures/models/sounds to work you will need to go to :

    My Documents > My Games > Fallout 3
  1. Inside you'll see a .ini file named FALLOUT.ini
  2. Open the .ini and search ( using ctrl + f ) for bInvalidateOlderFiles=0
  3. You'll want to change this to equal 1 so that it looks like bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
  4. Once the change is made, save the file and close it.
  5. Done !