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Toyota Supra AE 1997

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-18 10:05:58
130 просмотров
  • Toyota Supra AE 1997 Skin screenshot
  • Toyota Supra AE 1997 Skin screenshot

Toyota Supra AE 1997

***************** GTA San Andreas ******************* ************ www.idealcity.scorpions.cz ************* by JVT

1) INSTAL: fortune.dff and fortune.txd replaced to the ...\models\gta3.img

replace in: ...data/vehicles.ide 526, fortune, fortune, car, FORTUNE, FORTUNE, null, normal, 10, 0, 0, -1, 0.748, 0.748, 0

...data/handling.cfg FORTUNE 1250.0 4000.0 2.0 0.0 0.3 -0.1 75 0.65 0.80 0.50 5 235.0 23.0 10.5 F P 8.0 0.55 0 30.0 1.4 0.76 0.0 0.27 -0.10 0.58 0.3 0.2 0.53 39000 0 400000 0 1 0

...data/carmods.dat fortune, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, bnt_b_sc_p_l, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, rf_b_sc_r

...data/carcols.dat fortune, 1,1, 3,3, 4,4, 6,6, 7,7, 8,8, 20,20, 43,43

as far as you do not know how mod install to the games, instruction find on: http://www.idealcity.scorpions.cz/ideal_sa/

!!!Beyond this car install, make sure whether HAVE NOT in garage car with car mods (tuning part), that have with replaced.

Otherwise play doesn't need to well function... !!!

2) INFO:

Polygons: 35806 Vercites: 31922

Car Finished: 09.08.2005 Car Published: 14.08.2005

Supplyng: FORTUNE


Author: JVT ICQ: 206381266 e-mail: jvt@centrum.cz web: www.idealcity.scorpions.cz

Special thanks to Krystoff, for basic model type SN:27 -> ca.6000 polygons [dugourd.christophe@wanadoo.fr]

You usage-if this mod so everything at one's own risk, this mod was testing but only on my PC, so it is possible that

on your PC can do problems! So you warning that that mod usage entirely only on our hazard!

thanks to: SCO TEAM (www.scorpions.cz, www.cheater.cz) & www.doupe.cz

---------------------NO ONE CAN CHANGE,CONVERT OR USE PART OF THIS CAR WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!------------------------ -------Before host this mod in your website, convert or modifi, so please ask the permission to jvt@centrum.cz--------- --------------------------------------and to the subject write "Permission".-------------------------------------------

© 2005 JVT All Rights Reserved! Made by (c) Studio LINE-ART software by JVT, www.line-art.er.cz
