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Money And Drug Finder

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 18:11:03
111 просмотров
  • Money And Drug Finder Skin screenshot
  • Money And Drug Finder Skin screenshot
  • Money And Drug Finder Skin screenshot
  • Money And Drug Finder Skin screenshot

The Civil Protections' secret weapon!

--The Drug Lab/Money Printer Finder!-- 1. Tracks Items in all Directions/Distances 2. Never breaks

3. Anti-Citizen Proof

This is made by -|Oliver|-

I made this out of these 4 things. Wiremod: 1. Arithmetic Chip 2. Target Finder 3. Beacon Sensor 4. Screen and a Phx Prop.

To install: steamapps/username/garrysmod/garrysmod/data/adv_duplicator

!!!UPDATED!!! !!!now comes with a very small and portable version of the finder!!! ONLY WORKS FOR ROLEPLAY SERVERS/DARKRP
