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Monk new outwear

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-18 12:37:55
122 просмотра
  • Monk new outwear Skin screenshot
  • Monk new outwear Skin screenshot
  • Monk new outwear Skin screenshot
  • Monk new outwear Skin screenshot
  • Monk new outwear Skin screenshot

I wanted to make new outwear to Father Grigori who is my favorite character in HL2 based games like HL2, Gmod etc.

I had little proplems with this and i have done this now like one week, Even i could do it more faster..

If you look Grigori front of, Hes pants are weirdly, Im sorry bout that :D Also shoes bottoms are little off, But i think its not that bigdeal :)

Install: Go to-> Steam\steamapps\account\garrysmod\garrysmod And replace Materials folder with new one.
