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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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NYC Disaster

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-18 12:40:09
101 просмотр
  • NYC Disaster Skin screenshot
  • NYC Disaster Skin screenshot
  • NYC Disaster Skin screenshot
  • NYC Disaster Skin screenshot
  • NYC Disaster Skin screenshot


=NOTES= I decided to make something for the new update anyway, aside from my lag and crap I was able to put together something different than what else I've made. All my other saves won't work now, so I may try to remake some of them if possible, but I highly doubt it. Instead of making a jump map save, this time I made a single player savegame where you must go through a series of tasks to reach a certain objective. Below is a storyline that you should read before playing so you know some background and have an insight into what you must do to beat the mission, sort of...

=STORY= The year is 2009 New York City 2:24 P.M. I'm coming in from Manhattan Island to get on the subway to get out of this place, something has gone terribly wrong, the dead are coming to life and attacking people, as I'm driving down the street I see dead bodies adorning the street, blood spills around every bend. I drive up into the subway station which has a library as a second part of the same building, there is a parking garage, a large brick wall in the middle, which on the other side is the library. I pull up into the garage and I hear a loud noise behind me, I turn around and see that pieces of the roof has collapsed behind me, blocking the exit. I get out of my car and see a dead special forces soldier lying on the ground with an M16 beside him, and a Golden Desert Eagle in his holster. I grab the M16 to arm myself, and I head down to the subway to get out of here, to head farther away from the city near the outskirts where I can escape to another state. There's a note on the wall that says that there is dynamite in the subway, I don't know why I would need it though. I head down the subway hallways and the entrance to the platform is blocked, and the subways look out of service. I see another dead soldier with a dynamite coupling to his right and a button to blow it up on his left. I go back out to the garage and I see an open door above the library, but I can't get to the door, but if I could, that's how I could escape! That's my only option now, since I can't take the subway. There is a large barricade of shelfs and dressers, and then it came to my head! Use the dynamite to blow the barricade! I went back down the subway and grabbed the dynamite and took it to the barricade, then left it there and went back down the press the switch. I heard a loud boom and came back to the wall, and the blockage was gone. I headed into the library to see if I could find anything that I can use to get up to the exit, and I enter the library to find many things, but not things I need. Zombies. Just what I need. I use my rifle that I had scrounged from the dead soldier and eleminated the zombies, one by one. I came up to a reading center near the back of the library, and I saw six boxes that I could use. The boxes were full of books, but they were light enough that I could lift them. One by one I took them and stacked them at the ledge, and soon enough I got out, I got out alive, but I come to see that outside, outside this hellhole I was just in, there are still plenty more zombies in the park, but down below me there is a buggy, so I jump inside and run down the zombies, and head for the highway.

=INSTALLATION= Place the two files (half-life-000.sav and half-life-000.tga) into the SAVE folder in: "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\USERNAME\garrysmod\garrysmod\SAVE" If the file names already exist, rename it to 001, 002, 003, 004, or whatever is the next highest untaken number!

=CREDITS= Original idea by Nevander Made by Nevander Inspiration from all the zombie things we have today Questions or comments? PM me if you have any.
