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Drivable M1A1 Tank & Humvee.

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-18 13:24:48
97 просмотров
  • Drivable M1A1 Tank & Humvee. Skin screenshot
  • Drivable M1A1 Tank & Humvee. Skin screenshot
  • Drivable M1A1 Tank & Humvee. Skin screenshot

Good stuff First driveable tank on the source engine as far as I know.

Turret actually rotates

Free for anyone to modify with or without credit. If you want the smd & qc files, post here and I'll upload em.

Bad stuff Default jeep sounds. Someone else add sounds, I've never done it and don't feel like learning today.

Default jeep cannon. It'd be cool if someone made a LUA script to detect when you're in the tank and fire explosives on primary fire.

It doesn't like going up steep hills and rugged ground. the flatter the ground, the better. This is because of the way the wheels are set up. Can't fix it without re-doing everything.

Treads don't animate. Sorry, animating treads is more complicated than just rotating joints and I'm not sure exactly how to do it. The wheels do turn though. More Screenshots on The way
