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Garry's Mod 9
Akantor's 10-pack+smoke Grenade

Akantor's 10-pack+smoke Grenade

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-24 09:22:22
137 просмотров
  • Akantor's 10-pack+smoke Grenade Skin screenshot
  • Akantor's 10-pack+smoke Grenade Skin screenshot
  • Akantor's 10-pack+smoke Grenade Skin screenshot
  • Akantor's 10-pack+smoke Grenade Skin screenshot

Finally! My second SWEP pack arrives. Includes a smoke grenade swep that's literally a smoke grenade!! see the screenshot. 10 weapons all-in-all.

Here's some of my recommended weapons:

Annabelle- The Mad gregori's 2-round shotgun that'll kill an ant guard in 4 shots.

Mp7 tactical- An improved mp7, the model is literally a mp7!

Rathalos Vulcan- Originally to be fitted to a fighter jet, this vulcan machine gun has a fast reload and a staggering 300-round clip and power.

Ak machine gun- an ak47 rifle converted into a machine gun.

Hand Buckshot-A revolver that uses shotgun shells. powerful, but lacks clip size.

and there's 5 more in the pack and the smoke grenade!! Enjoy the pack,and rate!!
