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M-134a2 Mini-Gun

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-19 22:12:50
113 просмотров
  • M-134a2 Mini-Gun Skin screenshot
  • M-134a2 Mini-Gun Skin screenshot

This is my newest Swep which i love personally. This gun Fires a staggering 60 rounds a second. That's 1 round every .01 Seconds. I slowed down the video of the gun firing in Sony Vegas 6.0 to see that it fired 10-11 Rounds per frame! I made this gun using Shaft's Weapon Maker. The gun uses the AWP firing sound because it echoes and is loud (just like a gattling gun). The gunfire overlaps each other immensely so you might get an error in console saying a sound list overflow. The gun only has an 120 round clip, but has a fast reload rate so not to worry.

Please do not disapprove for lacking decent screenshots, because i have posted a video of the gun below
