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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Sports Car

Добавил: The DSystem
2017-03-18 19:29:55
171 просмотр
  • Sports Car Skin screenshot
  • Sports Car Skin screenshot
  • Sports Car Skin screenshot
  • Sports Car Skin screenshot

This car uses and provides custom palette colors

Download and extract all archives on this file
Open STYed
Open Map/level 1 (wil.sty)
Select car 45
File - Import - Import Image
Select "sport edition car 45.bmp" - Open
(car will look ugly) thats ok for now
Click view - Deltas - Import Deltas
Select "sport edition deltaset 45.bmp" - Open - Close
(car still looks ugly) OK
Now browse the color palettes list (the one on the bottom middle of STYed)
Select any palette number great than 280 (these are empty slots) DO NOT USE ANY PALETTE color under the 280
Select palette 281
Click File - Import - Import palette
Select "sport edition.pal" - Open
Car should look good now
Now let's remove  the remaining GTA2 original palette colors from the car so there are not bad colored versions of this car in-game
With car 45 still selected go to Edit - Image Properties
Select the second tab "Remaps and doors"
On the first list (Remaps) you'll see ugly colored versions of this car, select and delete all of them (1 by 1)
click OK
Now go to File -Save
