Добавил: Tiratore 2015-09-24 15:05:52 301 просмотр
-DMC pack V1.6 by TheEZ3L-
Hello! I created this pack for players who wish to have DMC pickups like DMC's shotgun rounds (Read the contents to know what this pack include.) I hope you enjoy it. I will update this if i find any other DMC model that fits in Half-life 1.
- DMC's RPG rounds (ammo) pickups as a pickup
- DMC's backpack dropped on death
- DMC's battery (Half-life 1's armor) as a pickup
- DMC's healthkit as a pickup
- DMC's shotgun rounds (ammo) as a pickup
- DMC's grenade.mdl replacement for MP5's grenade
- DMC's nailgun ammo pickup as machine gun/mp5 (9ammAR) ammo pickup
- DMC's pain sound as fall sound (edited to fit in hl1)
- DMC's bounce sounds to HL1's tripmine bounce sounds
- DMC's shotgun firing sounds for HL1's shotgun! (Includes edited double-barrel shooting sound by me to fit in HL1!)
- DMC's bouncing sounds for grenades and satchels
- Quake's (Well DMC is quake based SO) Zombie sounds replacements for Half-life 1!
- Quake's Enforcer's pain sounds and death sound replacement for human grunt! (making sight sounds is difficult but you know... they both almost got the same voice!)
- DMC's bouncing sounds for grenades and satchels - IMPROVED!!!
- Quake's Zombie sounds replacement for Half-life 1! (I know DMC isnt quake, but you know...)
- Quake's Enforcer sounds replacement for human grunt
If I forgot to replace any HL1 pickup with DMC pickups or found a new good DMC file that fits good in HL1 i'll release a new (updated) download with +0.1 to the version, lets say i forgot to add RPG ammo model to the pack, ill add it to the pack and will rename V1.3 to V1.4.
Improve this pack, fix any noobish stuff or buggy things
1. Copy "valve" folder to C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Half-life 1/ (if you use 32 bit windows, then its C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Half-life 1
2. Done! Play your game.
Thank you for reading! Have fun!
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