| Добавил: The DSystem 2017-03-25 16:37:13 258 просмотров
Original ReadMe
Version 0.8
Modeled by: Peam (1999) email: peam_p@yahoo.com
Site: www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/lab/3189/
Speacial thanks to: Spider, provider of model tutoring
- Fuuko has nothing speacial but her hair.
- No differences between hi and lo resolution models.
Comments on its official websiteFukko Kirisawa is from Flame of Recca like two previous ones. Unlike Tsugumi, I use 2 of Biped ponytails for her tresses. If I compare the complexity of the models, Fuuko and Tsugumi, The latter is much more complicated but spend less construction cost (triangles).
Her skin supports team color.
TriviaThis model was Ported several times for sven coop, However, all current versions are outdated
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