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[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Goo particle

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-28 10:40:24
136 просмотров
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot
  • Goo particle Skin screenshot



I realign every single frame in the texture file which didnt take too long but some was quite out the line cause if you see the origin texture it look like a mess. Texture collect from newer engine and stuff. I also redraw blood drop to make it look neater. Can be use on HL2 new engine ( i do not know where the texture on that hl2 version, cause im still use the old one - source engine 7, you will have to find it, whether its name goo or antlion_goop_3. Probably in particle or effects folder )

Its better than smod origin low res, if u dont like this simply use antlion_goop_3 i put in there too just in case. Its the same thing, just difference shapes.I pretty sure mine is much gorier >:D I was quite like change it for million time just to satisfy my unquenchable thirst for blood. ( for example, 28 blood decals... )

If liked it can also replace antlion_goop_3 in particle folder on mostly any source game.

NOTICE: Thankyou for noticing this notice, your notice has been noticed. Anyway, the thing is i was using shotgun to take screenshots so its

could look abit gorier than it normaly should, but you get the point !
