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Half-Life 2
Black Mesa Styled Dr. Kleiner

Black Mesa Styled Dr. Kleiner

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 18:22:09
163 просмотра
  • Black Mesa Styled Dr. Kleiner Skin screenshot
  • Black Mesa Styled Dr. Kleiner Skin screenshot
  • Black Mesa Styled Dr. Kleiner Skin screenshot
  • Black Mesa Styled Dr. Kleiner Skin screenshot

A simple reskin that gives Dr. Kleiner his outfit from the Black Mesa: Source mod.

The texture was ported directly from BM:S, so you shouldn't have to worry much about quality ingame.

If you'd like a more classic/HL1 styled Kleiner, you can find one here: http://hl2.gamebanana.com/skins/139353

*Please note that this only changes the colors of his clothes, he will not actually look younger ingame. However I may include a version that does if I can figure out how to get the face textures to work in Half-Life 2 sometime in the future.

*This reskin works with Half-Life 2, both Episodes, most mods, and The Half-Life 2: Update.
