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Half-Life 2
"HORNET" Elite Combine Skin

"HORNET" Elite Combine Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-02-04 19:49:55
130 просмотров

"HORNET" Elite Combine Skin

by: Loiterer

Hexed by: Dr. House

Title: "HORNET" Elite Combine Skin Author: Loiterer Description: HL2 Skin for Combine Super Soldier (Elite) Model Date: 3/05/07


My newest Skin. Hope yall like it. For Combine Super Soldier (Elite).

Inspired by Insects, LOL.

Includes both Regular-Res & Hi-Res versions.

Includes both Un-Hexed & Hexed versions.

Installation for Un-Hexed version

INSTALL Skin- (Note: You may have to Create Folders)

Extract the .VTF File (Simply Right CLick Cut And Paste) into - (for Half-Life 2 Deathmatch)... Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\YOUR_NAME\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\materials\models\combine_soldier

(for Half-Life 2 single player)... Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\YOUR_NAME\half-life 2\hl2\materials\models\combine_soldier

    • Simply Create Any Folders that Do Not already exist.- -

Folders that You may Have to Create ARE :materials \ models \ combine_soldier


Simply Delete the File from where you placed it. (inside the combine_soldier folder) (You may leave the empty folders where they are, they will not effect gameplay. And that way, they are already there when you wanna try other skins)

Installation for Hexed version:

Sorry, but you're on your own because i am not very familiar with gmod.

====================================================================================================== Warning! installation,at Your Own Risk NEITHER i, facepunch, garrysmod.org, filefront, NOR valve are responsible for any damage done.

You are on your own.

Take it easy Loiterer

GREAT BIG Thanks to:

Valve for Ya Know Dr. House The WHOLE community halflife2.filefront.com, garrysmod.org & FacePunch studios for Cool places to Hang Out. Someone named 1337 Penguin who made a Tutorial that Helped me Tremendously Bugs

