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Pattyman 4 Barney

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 03:11:24
77 просмотров
  • Pattyman 4 Barney Skin screenshot
  • Pattyman 4 Barney Skin screenshot
  • Pattyman 4 Barney Skin screenshot
  • Pattyman 4 Barney Skin screenshot

After I saw DrDeanDarko's Meat Alyx, I thought, wouldn't Barney look way hotter as a bunch of hamburger patties? The patties were too high poly, so I made the rest of the limbs out of French Fries. Uh, when you put the flash light on him, then it looks weird, the fries are not smoothed or something; you can see the individual triangles. So, don't put the flashlight on him. I also replaced the Combine mask with a bun.

Wreckreations Inc Your #1 source for wrecked releases!
