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Beta Humans

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-12-03 12:48:10
189 просмотров
  • Beta Humans Skin screenshot
  • Beta Humans Skin screenshot
  • Beta Humans Skin screenshot
  • Beta Humans Skin screenshot
  • Beta Humans Skin screenshot
  • Beta Humans Skin screenshot

Hello again!

So, this is the beta versions of the humans including a human corpse! Idk why, but this took me awhile to come and upload these, probs cause i'm lazy, but they are here now ;)

PROBLEMS: Does not include a beta like bloody dead rebel body from ep2 unfortunately.
One of the female variants has a kinda sticky like mouth everytime she moves it, idk how to fix, sorry.

Anyways, with that said, enjoy! ^w^
