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Eastern WWII Rebels Team

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-02-04 18:32:57
129 просмотров
  • Eastern WWII Rebels Team Skin screenshot
  • Eastern WWII Rebels Team Skin screenshot
  • Eastern WWII Rebels Team Skin screenshot
  • Eastern WWII Rebels Team Skin screenshot
  • Eastern WWII Rebels Team Skin screenshot

This is not illegal, the models are not from original DODS.


Imagine what Combine Invasion was in middle of WWII... In Eastern Europe, now the last USSR Forces go friends with German Wehrmatch to fight for the humanity... Using new weapons made by combine technology but with the classic spirit of war.


Male Rebels and Male Refugees has been replaced by WWII Soldiers. I have tried to put eyeballs and mouths in the models but I dont know how. But the models still cool.

  • 3 style german soldiers.
  • Classic Soviet.


Extract the .rar inside hl2 folder.
