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Customizable G36C

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 11:58:27
341 просмотр
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot
  • Customizable G36C Skin screenshot

Well, this took a while, but I finally managed to do it.

It's Arby26's G36C on BuLL5H1T's textures. First release featuring his textures, I believe.

So, what attachments does this have?

  • Different sights (irons, EOTech, Elcan, RDS)
  • Different magazines (G36 standard, EMag, 60rd mag, STANAG mag)
  • Ability to choose a DBAL A2 laser sight/flashlight
  • Different suppressors (G36C flash hider, ImBrokeRu's, Rafael de Jongh's)

On top of that, the attachments you choose are also displayed on the world model! Hooray!

Also, this even includes a HUD icon! How comprehensive is that?

Either way, more information about the compile & installation instructions are provided in the readme file, which is inside the download. Got any issues? Drop them in the comments and I'll try to resolve them.

Preview video by LordiAnders:


UPDATE 2 RELEASED: fixed issues that have been discovered, please redownload
