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Red/Dark Police Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 18:56:33
141 просмотр
  • Red/Dark Police Skin Skin screenshot
  • Red/Dark Police Skin Skin screenshot
  • Red/Dark Police Skin Skin screenshot
  • Red/Dark Police Skin Skin screenshot
  • Red/Dark Police Skin Skin screenshot

This is a skin i originally made for clan hell hunters but i thought why not for more people beacuse it has noting to do with Hell Hunters so here it is my version of the police.

This skin is a very huge surface it also got a bump, specular and a expert map for phong shadings

Also this skin got a vgui model for the options bar

This is also a skin for single player and all other mods that contains the police model

I hope u like this skin.
