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black charger reskin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-18 14:26:09
116 просмотров
  • black charger reskin Skin screenshot
  • black charger reskin Skin screenshot
  • black charger reskin Skin screenshot
  • black charger reskin Skin screenshot
  • black charger reskin Skin screenshot

Hey all,

Here is my reskin of the Junker from Episode 2. This is not illegal, it is just a reskin of the outside and interior. It does not contain the models or the textures. Just a reskin. You MUST own Episode 2 to use these files.

I love the Charger Junker in the game, it's a very fun car to drive. But, I don't like yellow cars. So, I reskined it black. And not matte black like other reskins, a flat black that looks like Gordon took a bunch of cans of Krylon spray paint and did the job himself. LOL


Put the Ep2 folder in your half-life 2 episode two folder. It'll overwrite the internal Ep2 folder and add the materials, models, and vehicle folders. The files are in the vehicle folder.

Add the garrysmod folder to your main gmod folder. I/E garrysmod/garrysmod/materials/models/vehicle The files are in the vehicle folder.

Hope ya'll enjoy my reskin.

Lord Zaphod the Strange "We're a clan of two."

I, Silent Ricochet, did not make this skin.

