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MGS 4 INS hands

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 19:44:40
180 просмотров
  • MGS 4 INS hands Skin screenshot
  • MGS 4 INS hands Skin screenshot
  • MGS 4 INS hands Skin screenshot
  • MGS 4 INS hands Skin screenshot
  • MGS 4 INS hands Skin screenshot

Inspired by the episode in Middle East where u fight PMCs alongside militia, i decided to create this arm skin . It doesnt screws marine bumpmaps since VMTs are fixed. Default octocamo uses refmaps since they fit it as well,yet other camoes use phongs. Cant show the whole quality using screenies,but i hope those provide enough info for your assesment.

Oh yes, one more thing - dont ask to make these for CSS.
