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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 15:56:34
172 просмотра
  • hellsing_bill_l4d1 Skin screenshot
  • hellsing_bill_l4d1 Skin screenshot
  • hellsing_bill_l4d1 Skin screenshot
  • hellsing_bill_l4d1 Skin screenshot
  • hellsing_bill_l4d1 Skin screenshot

A HELLSING PRAYER - In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen. adj color on acu and marpat thanks to teo265 for 7-zip recommendation - everything is now avail- there are 16 vpk! - 9 bodies - (a.c.u. , b.d.u. , marpat , o.d.g. with black/green shirts) 7 heads - (black, green, red beret heads with/without facial hair/diff color

ADVANCED INSTAL (vpk-all modes)

go to steamapps/common/left 4 dead /left4dead/addons and put vpk in.

go to steamapps\common\left 4 dead \left4dead...find pak01_dir and make back up....then edit pak01_dir with notepad++.

        *here is EXAMPLE of a re-edit  ------ctrl+f for find menu

for body -- change this --

        $baseTexture "models\survivors\namvet\bill_color"
        $bumpmap "models\survivors\namvet/bill_normal"

for body -- to this --

        $baseTexture "models\survivors\namvet\dill_color"
        $bumpmap "models\survivors\namvet/dill_normal" 

for head -- change this --

        $baseTexture "models\survivors\namvet\bill_head"
        $compress "models\survivors\namvet\bill_head_compress"
        $stretch "models\survivors\namvet\bill_head_compress"
        $bumpmap "models\survivors\namvet/bill_head_normal"
        $baseTexture "models\survivors\namvet/bill_hair"

for head --to this --

        $baseTexture "models\survivors\namvet\dill_head"
        $compress "models\survivors\namvet\dill_head_compress"
        $stretch "models\survivors\namvet\dill_head_compress"
        $bumpmap "models\survivors\namvet/dill_head_normal"
        $baseTexture "models\survivors\namvet/dill_hair"