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Action Louis Head

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 17:44:43
109 просмотров
  • Action Louis Head Skin screenshot
  • Action Louis Head Skin screenshot
  • Action Louis Head Skin screenshot
  • Action Louis Head Skin screenshot


Action Louis Head by Sabel

Poor Louis has been roughened up a bit and given a larger beard. :-) The police uniform is not made by me, this mod will only alter Louis' head. :-D



Extract the "left4dead" folder to "C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead" (Default installation location).

Then open pak_01.dir with Notepad++. (Back it up before making any chances! IMPORTANT IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG!)

Press CTRL+F and search for "louis_head". On the basetexture line, change "louis_head" to "louis_head2" and you are done.

Enjoy Louis' new head! :-D


Blablabla speach time

Do not claim as you own blablabla, do not use in mod or anything else without asking permission blablabla, never charge money for distributing this mod. Blablabla!
