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Climb With Style

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 00:39:15
115 просмотров
  • Climb With Style Skin screenshot
  • Climb With Style Skin screenshot
  • Climb With Style Skin screenshot

Okay, here's another climbing indicator but this one is way fancier! It's the typical L4D hand but not the original one. Why? Because it's uberanimated! See the two gif images below (Please let the poor thingies load before you accuse them of not running smoothly.)! I'm really proud of it! I hope you guys like it too! ...as it was a lot of work. :)

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I'm still trying to improve this so there might be a V2 soon.

Do NOT redistribute or modify this whithout my permission. Thanks.
