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Synthetic Shotgun

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 18:22:29
107 просмотров
  • Synthetic Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • Synthetic Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • Synthetic Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • Synthetic Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • Synthetic Shotgun Skin screenshot

I have recently been mapping as much as possible in L4D, so I haven't gotten around to many skinning projects. I took a break however, and decided to mess around with some bump maps, and this is the outcome.

UPDATE I have updated this skin with a v2 of te shotgun, which lightens it up a bit, and adds the notches into the handgrip. A new bump map has been created for the v2 as well. The v2 is included with the original, read the installation instructions for the v2 file.

This skin will give the Pump Shotguns wooden parts (Stock and Handgrip) a carbon/synthetic look. The gun is darker now as well. A bump map has been

added to the grip and stock.


Copy the "shotgun" folder and paste it into your v_models/weapons folder. Copy and paste the .vpk into you left4dead directory. If you haven't already overwritten your .cfg with a previous skin, copy and paste that into the left4dead directory as well.

If you wish to use v2 of this skin, when you extract the files, open the shotgun v2 folder. Inside, copy that "shotgun" folder and add that into your "v_models/weapons" folder

INSTALLATION WITH OTHER SKINS Do not replace your .vpk file Using --NOTEPAD++--, open your pak01_dir.vpk in your left4dead directory. Hit CTRL-F and type in "pumpshotgun_reference" into the search box. Find the first one by the $basetexture line. After it, add 2 (pump_shotgun_reference2)

Right below it, on the $bump map line, replace the text in the quotes with the following... "models\v_models\Weapons\Shotgun/V_Pump_Shotgun_Reference_Normal"

Save and enjoy!
