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Beta-Style Boomer

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 18:52:47
102 просмотра
  • Beta-Style Boomer Skin screenshot
  • Beta-Style Boomer Skin screenshot
  • Beta-Style Boomer Skin screenshot
  • Beta-Style Boomer Skin screenshot

Title: Beta-Style Boomer Credits: Revenant100 aka Marphy Black (boomer skin edits), Valve Software (original boomer texture)

Description: While playing the video game Left 4 Dead, have you ever noticed that when a Boomer bursts, the exploded legs it leaves behind looks nothing like the living version? How the drab purple pants become a fashionable brown and the dull black shoes become a dashing white? Well, that's because you're looking at remnants of the beta Boomer skin that Valve forgot to update! His skin was also much whiter. (Did Valve make the Boomer black?) So I decided to make this, hence the "beta"-ness.

Installation Instructions:

  • (Details included in readme.)