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Emo/Goth Scene Witch

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 00:55:48
110 просмотров
  • Emo/Goth Scene Witch Skin screenshot
  • Emo/Goth Scene Witch Skin screenshot
  • Emo/Goth Scene Witch Skin screenshot
  • Emo/Goth Scene Witch Skin screenshot
  • Emo/Goth Scene Witch Skin screenshot

A result of goofing around with the witch skin, this Witch is highly fashionable--... Or, at least she WAS before she, y'know, turned into a Witch--and fits right in with the rest of her anti-social friends.

Black skull underwear, red and black striped leggings (made out of real sock material!), arm socks (mesh!), and heavy makeup included.

Extract all files to: Steam>Steamapps>Common>Left 4 Dead>Left4Dead

If you have other custom skins already downloaded, do not replace pak01_dir. Instead, refer to the tutorial here: http://www.fpsbanana.com/tuts/8475

Recital of dark poetry and black candles not included.

EDIT: I forgot to add that the point of this skin is so you can see the witch through all of the grimbrowndark trees, concrete and other zombies/infected that are all the same color. It's supposed to be different, and it's not supposed to be in L4D style.

If you're looking for grimdark, look elsewhere.
