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M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 08:11:28
220 просмотров
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot
  • M3 Super90 for Chrome Shotgun Skin screenshot

This mod replaces the Remington 870AE Marine Magunm a.k.a. Chrome Shotgun with a Benelli M3 Super90 with handle integrated tactical flashlight.

 Hector White: compile, model tweaks, texture tweaks, optional sounds; 
 Stoke: original textures; 
 Schmung: original model; 
 Strifer: animations;

To install just put the .vpk inside your "Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\addons" folder, if the game doesn't show the mod in the list try to quit l4d2 and double click on the .vpk inside addons folder, should appear a box saying it's been installed successfully.

I added the optional sounds in a folder apart for 2 reasons: 1- The game doesn't like .vpk'ed sounds and tends to make strange noises and buzzes even if reloadaudiocachefromfile trick is used. 2- Everyone can choose what sounds to use etc.

To use optional sounds just drop the "sound" folder in your "Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2" folder and say yes to overwrite all, you can of course backup before the original sounds, if you loose sounds/want the originals back and didn't have backed up just run a check of the game cache from steam (right click on game in steam -> properties -> local files -> check cache) Before enter in a server with the optional sounds you must open console ( \ ) and type snd_updateaudiocache, the game will freeze for a bunch of seconds, then exit and restart the game: this procedure should be done also with .vpk'ed sounds tyiping snd_rebuildaudiocachefromfile and then putting the entire file path to the .vpk, but seems that the game still bugs out sounds! Once did that console trick you haven't to do it again unless you change again sounds, this allows the game to run every sound as it should.

Special thanks go to JonnyBoy0719, very patient and polite man who helped me a lot thought first steps of modding source engine, giving me useful tips on rigging, posing, camera assets and more with a live skype tutorial :) PS: He's also the co-project leader of BrainBread: Source! :D Many many thanks again :)

Do not reupload ever this mod or any modification of it on other sites / steam workshop

Happy zombie slaughtering! :) Hector White
