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Left 4 Dead 2
Grenade Launcher
L4D2 - Team Fortress 2 Grenade Launchers

L4D2 - Team Fortress 2 Grenade Launchers

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 18:45:20
274 просмотра
  • L4D2 - Team Fortress 2 Grenade Launchers Skin screenshot
  • L4D2 - Team Fortress 2 Grenade Launchers Skin screenshot
  • L4D2 - Team Fortress 2 Grenade Launchers Skin screenshot
  • L4D2 - Team Fortress 2 Grenade Launchers Skin screenshot
  • L4D2 - Team Fortress 2 Grenade Launchers Skin screenshot

Oh boy, skin time.


p> I noticed GameBanana lacks really decent Grenade Launcher skins, and at the same time I had this idea. Trust me this thing was hell to get working.


p> As far as the models go: Yes, they work in both view and world models, though the world is a bit clipped and broken due to different skeletal structures.
These are on the workshop as well (See below).
If Valve adds any more Grenade Launchers to Team Fortress 2, I'll port them as well.
The animations were made from scratch, and are passable though not completely finished. I'll update them once I get a few other things working (I'll probably update them at some point). I'm already aware that the item grab/helping hand animations are identical and play weirdly (thanks inverse kinematics). I will look into fixing them later, when I have more time.





p> Changes:

  • May 2: Fixed the attachments for the view and world models; laser sights and flashlights work properly now.
  • May 3: Corrected the weird blending on the helping hand animations; no longer blends where it should not.
  • May 8: Fixed the missing texture on the Loch 'n Load variant (Blame HLMV for not utilizing VPK packages properly)



    Installation instructions (should be simple enough):
  1. Extract the content from the archive .7z file
  2. Copy/find some other method to move one (or all) of the .VPK addon files into your addons folder [common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\]
  3. ????
  4. Profit