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B.I.G Plastic Knife

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 17:25:23
174 просмотра
  • B.I.G Plastic Knife Skin screenshot
  • B.I.G Plastic Knife Skin screenshot
  • B.I.G Plastic Knife Skin screenshot
  • B.I.G Plastic Knife Skin screenshot
  • B.I.G Plastic Knife Skin screenshot
  • B.I.G Plastic Knife Skin screenshot
  • B.I.G Plastic Knife Skin screenshot

heres ma shit this B.I.G(big) Plastic Knife replaces the machete in game spacial thanks to skubba and just thanks to buu342 for trying to help me to solve some problems

**if you will get any error in console for "File thumbs.db collides in VPKs:" just shit you can do about it this file is generating on some addons i dont sure even why and its colliding with some other addons for some reason

workshop link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=389341209

gamemaps link: http://www.gamemaps.com/details/14185
