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FNAF Golden Freddy Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 17:53:42
387 просмотров
  • FNAF Golden Freddy Skin Skin screenshot
  • FNAF Golden Freddy Skin Skin screenshot
  • FNAF Golden Freddy Skin Skin screenshot

Attention! These textures files are not made by me, they are made by splinks. I just copied textures of Golden Freddy Animatronic from Splinks Garrys Mod 13 addon called Five Night's At Freddys Animatronics and put these textures in new FNAF Golden Freddy skin.vpk file and that's it! The only thing that i changed is eyeball.vtf file to Golden Freddy's glow eyes (however in the 1st picture you can see that result is not as good as i expected)

You can see my skin showcase on youtube here: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5Ga8Ha7MaE&feature=youtu.be
