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Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-15 21:16:10
167 просмотров
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot
  • Mugen- May (Pokemon) Edit Skin screenshot

An edit to Tokathiki's New version of May that include some changes in hitboxes and a (Incomplete) English Voicepack, that also replaces some of the pokemon sounds as well.

Like peach, Try and not look in her .def file .... and if you do ...
