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Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul V.1.31

Добавил: root
2016-01-16 00:17:29
217 просмотров
  • Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul V.1.31 Skin screenshot
  • Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul V.1.31 Skin screenshot
  • Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul V.1.31 Skin screenshot
  • Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul V.1.31 Skin screenshot
  • Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul V.1.31 Skin screenshot
Before rating
or downloading I reccomend you read the entire read me because
alot of the mods in this will clash with your pre existing ones

If the download doesn't work try this link for alternate download sites OOO DOWNLOADS

What is Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul 1.3

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is a very complex and extensive modification to TES IV: Oblivion. It changes thousands of variables of this excellent game and also merges into it several very popular third party modifications. It is vital that you review the information written below

Full credits

5hakes, Addikt, Baksheesh, Bo Straightarrow, BradRinWI, creepyfellow, dev_akm, doofdilla, ElementalNimbus, Elhoim, iron golem, Josef K., Kal Choedan, Lyrondor, Madcat, Natalia, OmegaRED, osprey15, Praetorio, Soor and ubik

Adeliedreams, Bofra, Ceano, Creepyfellow, Daeger, Dejunai, Dheer, Doofdilla, Eikona,Frugal, Gristle, Hero2014, Lap, Laurinque, Lyrondor, mmpld, Momaw,Scruggswussy, Stabbey, phoenixamon, Tandem, Turgothh,XMarksTheSpot,
and Xui’ al.

Weapons, Armour, Items
Adonnay, Aleanne, AshLad, Atronarch, Axeface, Belenos, Cethegus, Chiz, DagothBalls, Daeger, Demonizzer, DieterWeb, Elhoim, Eyren, Gosu, Growlf, Jounks, Kafeid, Kearsage, Mark Quinn, Mealmoran, NorrabMaster, Oriphier, Perditio44, Phitt, Praetorio, Rdjeke, Razkhul, Severian, Silverthorn, Sin, Sleeper25, Someone1074, tda, Tegeal, TemplarGFX, ThrottleKitty, Ulath, VagabondAngel, Vine-Au, Winter, Zardalu

Further Reading
Full read me - For Information on, installation of OOO 1.3, Customizability Options for OOO 1.3, Optional Modules for OOO 1.3 Lite, Compatibility List, Merged and Bundled Plug Ins in OOO 1.3 and a general Overview of Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul’s Gameplay Vision, Please visit the full READ ME

For a the high resolution full trailer showing almost all the changes please visit THIS link
