Добавил: Tiratore 2015-10-01 13:08:21 128 просмотров
Hi !
Yeah, another camo skin... Sry about that, I've just seen there is already one. You'll choose the one you prefer !
It's just a simple camo tex, nothing special, the Aperture logo on the back is still here.
If you think "Wow, she's blonde ? What the ?" it's normal. It's because the shot was made with the "Prelude" mod who use a new player skin.
I think I'm gonna make another chell, try something different.
Hope you'll like it !
EDIT: The blonde hair and crazy eyes don't come with the skin. This modification don't change the head of the player, only the body. The model is from the "Prelude" mod available at portalprelude.com
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